Tempe Elementary District 3 (TD3)

What's This About?

This site is a collective resource created and maintained by members of the community. Including you. Thanks for being here.

The purpose of this site is to provide opportunities for people in TD3 to collaborate, coordinate, communicate and support our schools.

Our district is in trouble. The administration keeps telling us they’re doing their best, but we all know they can do better. They must. So we must. The district really needs our help and input—and people should provide it whether administrators want it or not.

The driving motive here is non-partisan: neighborhood public schools, and everybody’s children, deserve better than they’re getting. Unless we put the public back in public education, we won’t get it. It’s everybody’s job, and requires a can-do attitude.

So this is our place. It’s where you and others can get informed, share what you know, coordinate with like minds, mobilize neighborhood networks, support teachers and schools, raise and debate heated issues, and most importantly, be a yardstick of quality.

In an uncertain economy, the best investment you can make is in futures—our futures. It’s more important than ever to model imaginative problem-solving and community-building for our children. 

They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself. Andy Warhol (1928 - 1987), The Philosophy of Andy Warhol